Not Gold

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All that glitters is not gold.

How many of us are tripped up with this? Careful observation and the ability to listen help to see past the glitter. Some want the shiny surface whereas I prefer the genuine soul.

Embrace Imperfection

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere is a kind of beauty in imperfection. -Conrad Hall

This can be the mantra for the perfectionist. Why do we focus on the little things? My personality and soul can outshine the cracks. So I will accept and revel in my imperfect world.


Feeling Inspired

072214_Feeling InspiredI dream a lot. I do more painting when I’m not painting. It’s in the subconscious. -Andrew Wyeth

I have been daydreaming of painting. Dipping the brush into the container. Pulling it up and hearing the brush swipe across the lip. The smell as the brush went up to the canvas (or in this case wall). Test swatches are all over. Today, the room transforms.